Saturday, October 04, 2003

it's amazing what you can come up with if you go for a little shoot
around your house. just when you think you used up all the possibilities
you find things -

i seem to be forever charging batteries for something or other !!
more often than not it's for the kids gameboys. of course there's
always a mobile phone or a camera battery on charge somewhere
here or a cordless drill on charge in the garage. i think most of us
would be quite lost these days without power. must have been
interesting for those couple of days in america not long ago.

i wish some of you guys would sign my guestbook !! it can be found
down near the bottom of the menu on my main site page. i know that
there are a few people who read this rant of mine but i would like to have
an idea who you are and where you come from. please drop me a line !!

Friday, October 03, 2003

i've just given up smoking again. it was costing me too much money
and making me feel like i had no energy to exercise or go running.
i'm actually pretty good at this - i can give up cold turkey and after
a few days i'm pretty much over it. the only reason i ever start again
is because i actually like smoking as silly as it is !!
here are those shots from last night -

Thursday, October 02, 2003

a couple of shots tonight while lurking around in my kitchen -
(i'll have to post the shots later - it seems the server is playing
up) !!
ok so today the weather was even worse than yesterday !!
i didn't want to even think about taking the camera out of my
jacket pocket - staying on the bike and alive is about all the
thinking i can cope with in those conditions !!
i didn't shoot yesterday - the weather was terrible in the afternoon so i was
just too wet to really get out the camera. i rode a lot of km's for very little
reward which happens sometimes. personally i think that us motorcycle
couriers should really earn more when it rains - the energy expended and
the risks we take just don't get compensated for !! anyway it looks like
the weather forecast is for more of the same - makes you want to stay home
and shoot instead!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

i have processed some shots from yesterday. nothing terribly special
but here's a few anyway. there's also a couple from on my way back
from the snow the other week -

yesterday i was able to do quite a bit of shooting but i haven't
gone through them yet. i spent all evening working in dreamweaver
on a page for my PAW. i will try to post some shots tonight.

Monday, September 29, 2003

a pretty quiet day on the photography front. in fact non existent !!
i didn't even take the camera out of my pocket.
tonight i've been trying out dreamweaver mx. i need to learn how to
create my own web pages properly instead of these template
type pages on different sites that i'm currently using. does anyone
out there use it or perhaps there is something better/easier for me
to try ??

Sunday, September 28, 2003

changed the look of this weblog a little. perhaps it looks a bit neater.
at least now i have a visit counter back on again so i can see how
many of you there are coming to visit me here !!
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