Thursday, December 11, 2003

and here's a couple of shots from williamstown rd in port melbourne
today. a nice summer's day - not too hot!

the morning sunlight around my place makes for some quite
interesting images. this morning was no exception -

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

i really didn't get around to shooting much today but i did get one
shot that i really like. i seem to take quite a lot of leaf shots, i guess
it's just one of those things that i like the look of. i have played
around a little with this one in PS to get it the way i want it.
hope you like it -

from yesterday -

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

i did a little shooting today and i think i might have a couple
of nice ones! i will try to post them in the morning.

Monday, December 08, 2003

and all of a sudden it christmas again! -

Sunday, December 07, 2003

and now for the scooter series from today -

a couple of pushbike type shots from yesterday -

well it's PAW time again so i'll have to go through the stuff i've
shot in the past week and see which i like the most and post it.
sometimes it's a difficult decision - sometimes not!
one thing that i have noticed lately is that i'm not doing much
street shooting involving people. now this is the type of stuff
that i like the most but i think to do it, more time is needed and
much more effort required. at the moment i don't have much time.
i've just removed the large file of the shot below of the guy with
the binoculars but left the small one there for anyone interested.
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