Tuesday, October 07, 2003

well yesteday would have to be one the quietest days (for me)
on the work front that i have come across as a courier!
you would think that i could have done some shooting but i wasn't
really in the right mood for it. perhaps i should be looking for a
different line of work. better still some print sales would be nice !!

Sunday, October 05, 2003

in hindsight i should have taken the 550ex with me. there was a very
dark room where the kids were dancing, and a games room with lots
of playstations etc lined up for them to play which was also very dark.
some shots from this afternoons birthday party. all taken with the 10D
using the 20mm f2.8 at ISO1600 (i didn't take the flash with me)

i'm off to my youngest (5yo) daughter's birthday party this afternoon.
we're actually holding it in a pub !! they have an area especially set aside
for kids parties etc. i'll take the 10D and maybe the 550ex. not sure about
the flash yet.
and here's a couple more from this afternoon. actually yesterday
afternoon, now that it's 1.30 on sunday morning!

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